How To Get Customers To Buy From Your Website

By Jon Allo

Irrespective of your target market, every customer goes through a process when making a decision to
buy from your website. Understanding your customer's buying process will help you know what
information to give them and when.

You need to guide your audience with the acknowledgment of a problem that they need to solve and
how you are the one that can help them solve it.

Basically there are 3 stages a customer goes through before they buy from your website.

Discover The 4 Letter Word To Eliminate ‘Selling’ Completely And Still Get Rich

By T. Harv Eker
In my seminars, I frequently ask my audience how many of them don’t like the word “sell.” When I do, a lot of people raise their hands. In fact, I do too. I don’t like the word sell either. It has a really gross connotation to it, doesn’t it? Even though there’s nothing inherently wrong with it, it’s got a bad rap. That’s why today I’m going to teach you some closing techniques that don’t feel like selling. Read on to learn more to discover this powerful technique.

A Simple Closing Technique That Doesn’t Feel “Salesy”

If you want to avoid the word ‘sell’ in your presentations, I have one simple trick. It may sound like it’s too easy to be effective, but I promise you that just by employing this tactic, you’ll see better results. Are you ready? Here it is: Don’t ever use the word “sell.” Instead, use “help.”

Why “Help” Is So Much Better

By making this swap, you emphasize an important distinction in your coaching ideology. I’m telling you that you shouldn’t use the word “sell” because I don’t just want you to sell people something. Instead, I actually want you to help people.
So how do you earn money helping people? By keeping in mind that most people search for solutions to their problems — not products. Therefore, to help people and also earn money, you need to solve a problem for someone. That’s the only reason people give you money.
People don’t give you money because you’re smart, unique, good-looking, or skilled. They give you money because you solve a pain point for them. If people can’t see how their problems could be solved by what you’re providing, you’re wasting your time and resources. Additionally, if the problem you are trying to solve isn’t strong enough, you have a really tough road ahead of you.

Helping With the Right Problem

With all this in mind, you have to do something that helps a lot of people while also staying within your niche. Show people how you can help them and address their specific pain points. That’s called your message, and it’s the best closing technique there is.
For example, let’s say you have a product that reverses hair loss. Don’t say, “Hey, I have a great hair loss program. I have a product that grows hair.”
That’s ok, but is that really attractive? Is that your message?
Instead, you could say…
“Are you tired of looking at your balding head in the mirror? Does it frustrate you?  Do you remember the days when you used to have a full head of hair?
“Every single day since then you’ve watched your hairline recede. How do you feel when people look at you, and the first thing you think they’re looking at is your lack of hair? How does that make you feel about yourself? 
“Would you like to grow it back and become confident about yourself again? Would you like to get up in the morning and run your hands through your thick hair? Wouldn’t that be great? Well, I have a product for you!”
There’s a difference, right? The key difference here is that you’re making an offer to people who are looking for your solution. This puts you in the position of helping, instead of needing to sell them.
Bottom line: When you know what problem you’re solving, you don’t have to “sell” anything.

Let’s Be Clear. Your Goal Is Still Sales…

There’s nothing wrong with the fact that you still want to get sales. After all, you’re making an offer for money because that’s what you’re in this for. However, those sales are still people you’re trying to help. 
Remember, just don’t think about it as selling. It’s all about how you frame it and what will make you feel best about delivering your products or services to the right audience.
This is just one of the many strategies for becoming a great marketer.
Well, it’s because marketing itself is the one part of your business that will make the difference between your success, mediocrity or failure. Unfortunately, most people are lousy marketers and that’s why most people continuously work too hard and earn too little.
The good news is marketing is not hard once you know what to do…

Affiliate Marketing And What You Need To Know

By Kurt Tasche

Affiliate marketing can often be a way to bring in extra income. Many people have successfully done this through their website or blog. Basically, you can make money by hosting advertising in the form of a direct link to a website related to the topic of a blog. For instance a website on parenting can host a link to a kids store. How can you get started or improve at this?

Create a short e-book and post it on document sharing sites. By doing this you can show off your expertise, but you can also attract visitors and prospective buyers who are looking for similar information, to your site. Be sure to include a number of links to your site inside the document.

When selecting an affiliate program, be very sure to read the fine print of your contract, and especially beware any exclusivity clauses. An exclusivity clause may dictate that you can only promote that company's products on your website. This can seriously impact your earnings if you planned to use multiple programs.

Being up front about using affiliate marketing can prove to have positive results. Honesty is still the best policy, even when it comes to affiliate marketing. If your site visitors see that you haven't just thrown a bunch of affiliate links together and called it a site, they will be much more likely to use those links to buy products.

Pick a high-quality product. If you recommend a product that is of poor quality, it will reflect back on you as a promoter. The last thing you want people to believe is that you purposely recommended a product that doesn't work. If you wouldn't trust it, don't ask your readers to!

To increase the success of your affiliate marketing, be sure to choose quality products to advertise. Remember, all of the recommendations that you make reflect directly back on you. Therefore, if you advertise an affordable and quality product, your customers or subscribers will trust your advice, thereby boosting your credibility.

Do not go crazy with social media updates and Internet searching if you want to remain productive in affiliate marketing. Checking your email multiple times per day or changing your Facebook status is great to do in your downtime, but remember that becoming a successful affiliate is not downtime! Keep your mind on task.

Be prepared to spend a lot of time on your affiliate marketing business, even after your website is set up and you are making money. The field of affiliate marketing requires dedication and working hours that you may not normally be used to working, such as nights and some weekends.

A great affiliate marketing tip is to make sure you have enough money for your own web site. Your efforts in promoting affiliate products will be wasted if your web site suddenly shuts down because you couldn't afford to keep it going. Make sure you have a proper budget for your site.

As you can see, with a little time and effort you can monetize your site and bring in a nice income. The key is to apply the right advice, and not rush it. Lots of other people are making money doing this, so why can't you?

The Challenges You Must Overcome to Turn Your Small Business Into a Big Business

By Pierre Jean-Claude

You might have a small business today, but you don't want that label for the life of your business. When entrepreneurs make endeavors, they are looking to create a business that will rule the world one day. However, every business has to face some struggles in the beginning that it must overcome to become a big business. The way you handle these challenges decides the fate of your small business. Today, you will read about these challenges and the solutions to them, so if you are a small business, you can set the foundation for its success.

Knowing the Target Market

One of the biggest issues with most small businesses is that they don't know their exact target market. Sometimes, they don't know how to narrow down to the target market. This is a huge issue because you could have a perfect product, but you might pitch it to the people who don't need it. Keep in mind that people who don't need your product won't buy it even if you try to give it to them for free. On the other hand, people who need your product will be willing to buy it even if it is priced high. For your business to survive, it needs to start selling as quickly as possible, and that's why it is important to find your target market before launching your product.

The first step of identifying your target market is to know your product well enough. You have to ask yourself some important questions about the product and write the answers down. For example, you have to ask yourself "what existing problem does my product solve?" You also have to know if there are any other solutions available in the market for the same problem. If yes then you have to see how your product is better than them or how you can make it better. Conduct surveys on the street and social media to know the personas of the best buyers of your product.

The Right Type of Marketing
Businesses, small and big, have huge parts of their budgets allocated only for marketing purposes. However, the modern technological advancements have proven that a big marketing budget does not translate to successful marketing. So, you might have done a great job in identifying your target market, but if you approach them in the wrong way or through the wrong channel, you will not be able to reap any benefits from even the most potential market for your product or service.

Identifying your target market should help you identify your marketing methods and channels too. For example, if your product is for people aged over 50, you would not want to make Instagram the prioritized marketing channel because only 18% of the users on Instagram are aged above 50. Similarly, any product that targets executives, marketing officers and professional people should be promoted on LinkedIn before any other platform. After knowing the buyer personas, you should also select the type of marketing that best suits your potential audience. If you are creating a hip-hop music video for marketing to retired individuals or an opera video for 18-year olds, you are doing it wrong. Use website analytical tools to know what appeals or does not appeal to your website, visitors. Base your digital marketing campaigns on data-this is the era of data-driven marketing.

The Funding Problem
If there were no funding problem, every person who thinks of a unique idea would have a business. In the real world, funding is always a problem, and it is exactly the point where the journey ends for many aspiring people in business. However, it is not always the lack of funds that kill many small businesses before they even start. In fact, the important part is how much dedication you show in arranging those funds. Sometimes, people have the options available, but they do not knock on all the doors.

First, you have to know all the options you have available for arranging the funds. If you are not okay with arranging funds through the bank or in the form of a loan, take a look around at your family and relatives. You will be surprised to know how many of the people in your circle will be ready not only to give you the investment you need but become a part of the endeavor. The crowdfunding options are also there. You don't even have to go to the investors personally today as you can visit a platform like and arrange funds online.

The Right Leadership
You can't make a business successful unless you have the right leader in place. It is not completely untrue that the attitude of the leader sets the attitude of the rest of the employees at a company. If you lack confidence in your leadership, you will end up hiring people who lack confidence in themselves. One of the biggest problems with most small business owners is that they can't convince themselves to delegate responsibilities. They believe in their skill so much that their mind never accepts that someone else can handle the responsibilities too. They end up taking the responsibility of everything on their shoulders and mismanaging things at the end of the day.

The first thing that needs to be fixed here is how you think. If you find it hard to delegate responsibilities, get rid of this habit as soon as possible. You can't handle everything as the business grows and so you have to create a team right from day one. Do not hire people just because they can do the job-hire people who share the same vision as you. Do not settle for good employees because finding the best ones is taking time. Do not try to take matters into your hands all the times. Listen to everyone that's part of the team and the decision making process. Have a great relationship with your employees.

Setting the Price
One of the most difficult decisions for a small business owner is to set the price of its service or product. When you are a small business, you can't afford to have a full-fledged marketing department. Of course, when you have a marketing department, they can set the price of your products, but when there is no marketing department, you are the one to take this decision. Price your solutions too low, and you might not make any profit at all. Price your solution too high, and customers might never buy your product.

It will be tremendously helpful in this scenario to take a look at your competitors and how they have priced their products. Secondly, you have to know a simple rule to set the prices of your products and services. You first set the price to cover your costs. Once you have started covering your costs, you set the price to cover the costs and make a profit. Once you have done that successfully, you start adding your "value" to the price. You should also know the buying power of your target market so you can keep the price within their comfort zone.

These points cover pretty much every big challenge that a small business comes across. Keep in mind that some of the challenges might be exclusive to your business and industry too, but if you can overcome these common challenges, you can cover the industry-specific difficulties as well.

Sleep - It's Not How Much, But When

By Carmen Gilfillan

If you're someone who didn't sleep so well last night for whatever reason, you may be feeling a little jaded as you read this. This is understandable. You may well be thinking that just by getting your so-called 'eight hours' of sleep for the next few nights may redress the balance.

This is true, to an extent. You'll learn more about why I say 'to an extent' in a moment.

However, you may also be someone who did get your eight hours last night, and the night before and the night before, but for some reason you feel you're not firing on all cylinders. This also understandable, and you're about to find out why.

Not All Sleep Is Equal

We may think that all sleep is equal. But it isn't. The quality of our sleep varies from one part of the night to another. Our bodies have a natural rhythm to them, and that rhythm is thousands of years old. It is called a circadian rhythm.

It is the rhythm of nature, and one that animals instinctively live by. We are as human beings essentially animal, and are designed to live according to this natural rhythmic cycle.

That cycle can be seen in the passage of the day and the passage of the seasons. We have the dawn of the day (Spring) where we wake up. We then move into the main part of our day (Summer) when we are most adapted to work. This is followed by winding down towards the end of the day (Autumn) and finally sleeping at night (Winter).

We are therefore naturally designed to wake up with the rising of the sun and sleep when the sun goes down. When we adjust our lifestyle to accommodate this natural rhythm we have a better quality of sleep.

Our Natural Sleep Cycles

Similar to this natural rhythmic cycle, our sleep pattern also has a natural cycle to it. When we sleep we oscillate between deep regenerative sleep (where the body repairs itself) to the slightly lighter REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep state in which we dream.

These sleep cycles last for around 90 minutes each. So if you are finding that you are getting eight hours sleep and you still feel tired when you wake up, you're probably setting your alarm clock to wake you up in the middle of a sleep cycle rather than at the end of it.

For example if you went to bed at 11pm and woke up at 8am you would have slept for nine hours and gone through six complete sleep cycles. These would be:

Cycle 1. 11.00 pm-12.30 am
Cycle 2. 12.30 am-2.00 am
Cycle 3. 2.00 am-3.30 am
Cycle 4. 3.30 am-5.00 am
Cycle 5. 5.00 am-6.30 am
Cycle 6. 6.30 am-8.00 am

After sleeping from 11pm to 8am, you'd probably feel quite refreshed when you woke up.

If, however, you set your alarm to wake you up at 7am you would have got eight hours of sleep, but would have woken up during a 90-minute sleep cycle (between 6.30 and 8.00). Therefore it's possible you wouldn't feel quite as refreshed on waking as you would do if you had woken up at 8.00am

Repair & Rejuvenation

In addition to these shorter, 90 minute, cycles, according to our circadian rhythm, the body regenerates and rejuvenates itself most significantly between the hours of 10pm and 2am.

So you may be going to bed at say 1am and sleeping until 9am to get your eight hours, but you're losing out on three vital hours of body repair time every night. And if you work shift patterns, especially the night shift, you may be throwing your circadian rhythm out completely, denying yourself the chance of adequately repairing your body during sleep.

3 Top Sleep Tips

So to give yourself a higher chance of improving your performance, productivity and subsequent results in life consider the following three tips:

1. Bring your lifestyle in line with your natural circadian rhythm and get to bed by 10pm
2. Ensure that you have eight or more hours of sleep per night
3. Try not to wake up to an alarm clock. If you must, set it such that you're waking up at the end of a 90-minute sleep cycle rather than in the middle of it

Dr John Demartini - Lessons from Billionaires

Great advice from Dr John. Lives on a boat that cruises round the world. Spends his time with ultra high net worth's. Consistent conversation about money, finance, world issue, always learning, always growing.


SO important to be around people that are hungry, and will allow you to grow and improve. Get yourself round winners!! Lose the negative influences.

"The E-Myth" - Key-note lecture by Michael E. Gerber

This chap is the man, What he speaks about business is gospel. Very inspiring to listen to and incredibly useful advice to apply to a new and existing business. Amazing man, and amazing book!!

Start An Online Business - How To Cut Your Financial Pain, Depression, And Debt

By Marc-Eddie Drouinaud Jr. 

People all over the world are trying to find a stable source of income. If you want to cut your financial pain and depression, I would advise you to strongly take what I share in this article into consideration.

As of today, more people are starting online-based businesses. People are mastering new marketing techniques in order to drive more sales. If you are able to master new marketing techniques, like social media and blogging, you will be able to make good income in short time. Most people in the corporate world are tired of working for a living and they want to live a higher-quality lifestyle.

Starting an online-based business can be a lucrative business move, however I must tell you that a lot of people fail everyday when they try to launch their brand of the ground. In addition, I would recommend that you go to the Better Business Bureau's website to get an honest review on whether the online-based opportunity you choose is legit or not.

Here are three types of marketing techniques you can use to give you the best chances of having financial success, in my opinion.

Technique 1: Blogging

When you start an online-based business it is great to start a blog. In order to have success in blogging, you must provide quality content to your market. Everyday, people look for solutions to their problems and as a marketer, you must help them. However, before you try to sell your products and services to the masses, I would recommend that you go to services, like Google Trends, to see what types of keywords that you market is looking for.

Technique 2: Sending Emails

As of today, emails are still a great way to communicate what you have to offer to the masses. I would recommend that you start small before going on a big budget when it comes to using mass emailing services. You can purchase some email lists and practice sending different emails to see what works and what does not work. I would recommend that you do not send more than three emails per day for each lead you receive.

Technique 3: Get help from experts

When you are starting an online-based business, it is your responsibility to gather as much information as possible. I would recommend that you join some forums and talk with some people who have been in the arena before. Forums are a place where people come together on the internet to talk about different topics.

How to Turn Life's Lemons Into Lemonade

By Pierre Pinkerton

This article is a shift in terms of focus. Although relevant for the fields of business development and growth, the theme of this article is on personal development before business development.

I've always been a huge fan of sales gurus and personal growth experts like Zig Ziglar, Earl Nightingale, Norman Vincent Peale, Dale Carnegie, etc. While initially thinking these guys were full of 'it' and irrelevant; now, with time and experience having matured me to a reasonable level (I hope), I've come to not only attest to truths that these guys and others live by and teach, but also their beliefs and wisdom are very relevant and timeless.

One of the core truths taught and deeply ingrained into my subconscious is the following: failures in life will either strengthen and motivate you to grow and develop or they have the very real ability to break you down.
What do I mean when I say failures in life? Well, quite simply, these are the moments in our lives that the results and outcomes come totally different and often more severe than we had anticipated. Whether it's a job loss, divorce, eviction, bankruptcy, failed job interview, a blown investment, or being defrauded by someone, we all face these challenges at one time in life or another.

The key that I've learned about these negative life events is that you have A CHOICE in how you respond. The thing that keeps most of us in 'ruts' of negativity, isolation, and hopelessness is that we allow ourselves to be motivated by fear in a wrong way. Rather than thinking about how worse and severe a negative life event can become, why not choose to be motivated by the fear of the situation to take hold of hope. Choose to take a strong hold of hope and never let go no matter how bad it hurts or feels.

Now here's another underlying truth in being motivated by the fear of negative life events: don't labor your mind or put a heavy burden on yourself for solving your problems overnight; instead, relax, rest, and remain positive. What I've learned and continue to grow in is that more than likely the answer needed to resolve the problem(s) is right under your nose or floating somewhere in your mind. How do these 'uh huh' moments happen? Truly in the most odd ways possible to be completely honest. There's no secret formula (or at least one that I've found that works) or secret sauce that induces these moments, but here's one way to put yourself in the state of mind to increasing their frequency: relax, live life, serve others well, listen more than you speak, forgive completely, and love sincerely.