Dare to Take Risks

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Risks refer to the negative aspect of that uncertainty - the possibility that something harmful may or may not occur. A risk is present in everything we do. The things that might go wrong are called project risks, and a wise project manager identifies them early at the beginning of the project so that he or she can do something about them.

It could take a lot of time to put together an alternative risk management strategy or take action to deal with the risk, so it's often a better use of your resources to do nothing for small risks. Sometimes the actions will be broadly the same; sometimes you'll have to have some tasks to reduce the chance that the risk happens and some separate tasks to make the impact of the risk smaller if it happens.

But what if the risk has a positive impact? Exploitation is the risk management strategy to use in these situations. However, you decide to approach risk, make sure that you log the action plan in your risk log and keep it up to date with the latest progress towards managing your risks.

Overcoming risks may not be easy, but it's possible when you ask God to battle for you; every complex challenge, there exists a definite solution. If you can dream it, you can make it a reality. You must see challenges as virtues of opportunities for personal development. You will then have the strength to overcome the challenge.

Replace the word can't with a can. Know that you can, believe that you can, and know with ALL of your heart that you will. True success is accepting what you have to offer rather than for what you cannot do. Don't settle for your human capacity. Live up to your God-given potential. When you anticipate adversity, you can then plan for adversity. Adversity only makes us stronger. Every adversity we overcome makes our spirit and soul grow tougher.

Don't run from your weakness, you will only give it strength.Before your reach your destination, you'll find yourself going through the wilderness. While in the wilderness, your faith will be tried and tested. You'll become humble. Your vision for your life will get clearer. You're in training for your purpose. Usually, the first step is the most difficult one to take. All resistances and old habits must be eliminated. Deep within you, there must be a determination to overcome your obstacles.

Don't worry. Walk on. Continue on your journey. Soon, you'll be approaching the mountain. Get ready to climb! What matters about risks is what one does with them.You become limitless when you overcome what holds you back.

All successful people learn to navigate diverse personalities. So don't lose hopes after failure, try other ways and you'll reach there.Don't be a victim of circumstances but be victorious.Everything meaningful encounters resistance, don't get scared of whatever comes your way, just go with the right strategy and plan, there you'll overcome it at last.If the willingness is there, you can graciously fulfill your dream.

A risk is, by nature, scary. It's uncertain and unpredictable. You're heading off into uncharted territory. When it comes to risk-taking, this can result in a life that's flat and lackluster. Life doesn't come with guarantees. But it's better to try and fail rather than not try at all.

Do something about it while you still have the chance. It's not what you did that you regret the most, it's what you didn't do. So, be bold and face the risks in climbing the ladder of success!

How to Embrace an Attitude of 'Hell Yeah' with Everything You Do

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How To Navigate Life

Given the many distractions that compete for our attention these days, it's not surprising people don't devote more time to what truly inspires them.

We have a habit of tuning out anything that is not urgent.

There was a time when a person was only contactable via a phone landline, with no answering machine.

Nowadays, I can reach you through email, text messaging, instant messaging, social media, and dare I say, call you on your mobile device. Yet, this has not improved our lives other than make us more available.

Being more available equates to having less time to focus on your priorities.

As a consequence, we say 'yes' to things that don't inspire us, but provide a sense of satisfaction of having undertaken the task.

What I'm proposing is that you adopt a hell yeah attitude towards tasks instead of, it will do for now.
The idea was first discussed by the American entrepreneur Derek Sivers. He outlined how he prefers to engage in pursuits he is passionate about, instead of those he's obligated to do.

"As we become more mature and enlightened adults, we come to realize that if an opportunity is presented to us and it does not gain a near 100-percent enthusiasm and commitment from us, then the reply must be a 100-percent no," affirms motivational author Brendon Burchard in his book The Motivation Manifesto.

What if you were to adopt a similar approach?

You may avoid doing so because saying 'no' to good enough projects, goals or relationships suffices to keep you motivated for the time being.

When you settle, you compromise your self-worth because you accept less than meaningful conditions. The basis is to move from being Parked to an mindset of hell yeah in everything you do.
Consider author Larry Weidel's perspective in Serial Winner: 5 Actions to Create Your Cycle of Success: "Winners know that if you don't figure out what you want, you'll get whatever life hands you."

Time Is A Precious Commodity

When you say 'no' to requests that are low priorities, you free up time to say 'yes' to areas that serve your highest good.

By embracing a hell yeah attitude, you focus attention on what really matters.

It's vital to explore your full potential because in those moments you experience deep flow states and awaken your greatest ability.

You may undertake meaningless tasks or commit to relationships that don't inspire you because you're fearful more opportunities will not show up later. So, you take what is available now, hoping it will occupy your time until something better comes along.

It's what you devote your time and attention to, that matters.

Time is a precious commodity which many people squander. Guard it with your life and choose opportunities that inspire you, rather than just being task-orientated.

"Position your daily actions so time is working for instead of against you. Because time will either promote you or expose you," writes author Jeff Olson in The Slight Edge: Secret to a Successful Life.

Don't think you can get everything done because it's impossible. You are likely to wash over the activities without fully committing to the task.

The question arises, how will you know whether to undertake a project or say 'no'?
It's as simple as this: if you don't feel a spark of enthusiasm, it's unlikely you'll see it through to completion.

It is my experience, if something is difficult at the start and I'm lacking motivation, the idea will not succeed because I'm not bringing my whole self to it.

If you cannot say hell yeah, it's best say 'no'.

I assure you, adopting this frame of mind will yield success and you needn't buy into the fear more opportunities won't become available. In fact, more quality prospects will emerge since you are careful what you give your attention to.

You should say 'yes' to tasks that excite you, that you are passionate about and to which you're likely to bring your best work.

Manage Your Time

"Pareto points us in a very clear direction: the majority of what you want will come from the minority of what you do. Extraordinary results are disproportionately created by fewer actions than most realize," affirm authors Gary Keller and Jay Papasan in The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results.

There is little room for negotiation and no grey area when you pursue a hell yeah way of life. You commit to the task or relationship or not at all, in which case you walk away.

Similarly, it pays to know which areas you are saying hell yeah to. It may pose a challenge to apply this approach to every facet of life because of competing interests.

For example, your partner may want to visit his/her favourite restaurant and you don't feel the same way. In this scenario, diplomacy prevails to maintain a healthy relationship.

Embracing a hell yeah outlook will change your approach to life, in so far as developing a laser-like focus while managing your time. You concentrate your attention on high value areas that lead to happiness and fulfilment, with a better chance of success.

Authors Gary Keller and Jay Papasan remind us once again to choose what you give your attention to: "To achieve an extraordinary result you must choose what matters most and give it all the time it demands. This requires getting extremely out of balance in relation to all other work issues... "

Given the many events that compete for your attention, it's important to be discerning with your time.
You become inspired by your goals and projects, instead of expecting a situation will improve as you go along - it seldom does.

Larry Weidel reminds us to maintain our enthusiasm or risk it burning out: "When it comes to most of our ideas, our enthusiasm has a shelf life. We won't be inspired to go for it forever. If you can't decide what you're going to do with your energy and drive, it will peter out. Doubt will grow and overwhelm you."

Commit to life with passion and fervour, otherwise you will be pulled along by secondary tasks that are less desirable.

Life is too short and valuable to be pursuing goals that are not consistent with your greater self.

Why Mental Focus is Essential for Success

By Leon Edward

Mental focus is the most crucial ability when it comes to success in any area of your life. For now, let's look at precisely why mental focus is essential for success and how it can assist you get things done.

Focus Keeps Distractions At Bay
We get sidetracked by brand-new tasks, things that require taken care of around the workplace or the home, and of course by household members and colleagues. There's constantly something else that requires our attention, or an enjoyable brand-new task we had actually rather be working on.
This is where focus can make a substantial distinction and assist you get things done. Focus resembles a set of blinders. It assists you focus on the job at hand up until it is done.

Focus Keeps You From Making Mistakes
You're less most likely to make errors due to the fact that you are not continuously sidetracked and you're providing your complete attention to whatever it is you are working on at the minute. When your attention is divided and you're not totally engaged and immersed in the job you are working on, errors occur.

Being focused, on the other hand, assists you focus on your work. It enables you to make less errors to start with when you do make them, if you're not sidetracked, you're that far more most likely to capture them and repair them.

Focus is absolutely a crucial to an effective state of mind. Continuously advise yourself of exactly what your company has to do with, exactly what its function is, and why you're doing it. Keep concentrating on your objectives by having them someplace that you can see them.

Completion outcome is a much better quality item, no matter what you're dealing with.

Focus Helps You Get More Done Faster
If you're extremely focused (thanks to that looming due date), a job that would typically take you half a day is unexpectedly achieved in 30 minutes. Best of all, the end outcome is frequently much better than you're normal work since you're extremely focused and are getting into the circulation where whatever simply comes together practically easily.

Listen to Brainwave audio that helps you focus

Audio with special brainwave sounds can put you in a state of ultra focus and get more done in less time naturally. Brainwave entrainment audio can now even be played during activities as work or even sports.

The Ultimate Advice For Every 20 Year Old

Great advice from Gary Vee. Don't worry about other people. Concentrate on yourself, your goals, and put the work in!!

The 6 Habits of Financial Health

By Cunera Dieker

"Never spend your money before you have it" - Thomas Jefferson

From the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep, you make constant choices. Should I eat the salad instead of the burger? Should I go jogging after work? And much much more. Over time we form habits, good and bad ones. Every day, we constantly try to implement more good habits in our daily routine. "Running on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday; High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on Monday and Thursday", those are mine with few "Should I go and grab a coffee with a friend and skip the HIIT for today?". Of course, the better your lifestyle is the better your physical fitness will be. 

Financial fitness, like physical fitness, is mostly about good habits. Here are the 6 habits to adopt for better financial health.

1. Know how much you make and how much you spend 

Knowing how much you make every month is where you should start. If you have a fixed salary, it is easy. More difficult if your salary depends on commission. Even harder if it is purely based on them. If you work in a cyclical business, then you will probably have highs and lows throughout the year. You should average your last two to three years income, excluding special bonuses.

"A penny saved is a penny earned" - Benjamin Franklin

2. Spend less than you earn 

This habit is at the core of all good financial management. It is how rich people get rich. When you spend less than you earn, you save. And what you save becomes wealth. First, you need to know how much you spend. You need to start to register all your expenses. Starbucks, Movie ticket, Milk,... , everything goes into it. The first three months should be taken as "survey months", I am sure you will be surprised on how much you actually spend on certain things. If you carefully register each of your expenditure without intervention, it will be easier for you to take actions.

"Gold cometh gladly and in increasing quantity to any man who will put by not less than one-tenth of his earnings to create an estate for his future and that of his family" - The Richest Man In Babylon

The first law of gold in the amazing book "The Richest Man in Babylon" Says to save 10% of your income. The 50/20/30 rule for minimalistic budgeting is a proportional guideline that can help you keep your spending in alignment with your saving goals. This rule allocates 50% to your essential spending, 30% to your personal spending. The remaining 20% is for saving. More "extreme" and frugal people will save up to 80% of their income. Your personal situation and commitment play a role in your saving percentage, however, do not go below 20%. To achieve it, follow this simple rule: 

"Play Yourself First". As you receive your salary set aside 20% and do not use it.

3. Stay Insured 

A study done at Harvard University indicates that Medical Expenses are the biggest cause of bankruptcy, representing 62% of all personal bankruptcies in the States. A good health insurance can protect you. However, one of the interesting caveats of the study I just mentioned, shows that 78% of filers had some form of health insurance. My own take is that you need to select an insurance that is personalized to your needs. If you have dependents you would need a different insurance compared to your single friend.

4. Be prepared for the unexpected 

One year ago I lost my job, my monthly salary went from five figures to zero within two weeks. With today's mind, I can say that being laid off was probably one of the best events for my career. When that happened I was emotionally devastated. Before I started a new adventure in the special place I am right now, I spent few months without any income. I was able to sustain my previous lifestyle with few adjustments, thanks to the money I had saved. Most will call this "rainy fund". I much rather call it "Opportunity fund". Rainy fund brings the memory of scarcity, whether opportunity fund is something full of optimism. I had to use some of my funds during my unemployed days, and having a positive mindset helped me go through that difficult time.

"Make all you can, Save all you can, Give all you can" - John Wesley

5. Develop a long-term financial plan 

If you do not know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else. Your financial future is much more important than your next holiday. My work colleagues are always busy planning their holidays, if you do the same, channel some of that energy and focus on what your long term plans are. Write them down.

6. Earn more 

Your income matters. Saving 20% of 1,000 is different than saving 20% of 10,000. Everyone has the opportunity to tap into their free time and find something that could produce extra income. Baby-sitting, tuition, music lessons,... The only limit is your imagination. It may be awkward and difficult at first, but with time and persistence you can succeed in developing one or more sources of extra income

Lessons From Netflix - You Have the Ability to Change Your World

By Kathleen C Olivieri  

Raising two daughters meant one thing in our house - we watched a LOT of "chick flick" movies. We watched movies such as Hairspray, The Holiday, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Titanic, Legally Blonde, and the list goes on and on. Most were for entertainment, but many movies had a hidden lesson that we talked about. Yes, there are "Lessons Learned" when watching movies!

The New Movie Theatre - Netflix

Now that my daughters have gone to college, my husband and I have forayed into the world of Netflix. So many series and movies to watch!

A friend on Facebook recommended a Turkish show, Kurt Seyit and Sura, which is a historical drama based on a true story.

To spare you the 42 hour-long episodes, the premise of the story is this: an officer of Turkish descent and a wealthy Russian heiress fall in love in the early 1900's. Seyit, the officer, survives the war, then takes Sura home to meet his family. They hate her because she is not Turkish. Seyit and Sura flee the Russian Revolution and settle in Istanbul. Through their adventures, their love is not enough to keep them together. Ultimately, Seyit and Sura never marry.

We loved this series! Not only were the costumes beautiful and historically appropriate, there were beautiful horses, interesting characters and the acting was spectacular.

What are the Lessons Learned from Seyit and Sura's Love Story?

Lesson 1: Personal Responsibility 

You must take responsibility for your life. We all want to be loved. Yet, ultimately, YOU are responsible for that love. YOU are responsible for getting love and keeping it.

How does this translate to your professional life? YOU are responsible for your career and professional happiness. If you want to progress in your career, invest in yourself! If you are not happy in your career, then take responsibility to make a change in yourself or your work situation.

Lesson 2: Perseverance

You must persevere through the good and the bad. The world will change and people will try to sabotage you.

Yet, YOU must be strong to persevere and NOT allow the world and people to have the power to sabotage you.

How does this translate to your professional life?

The world is changing around us. The jobs of yesterday may or may not be available tomorrow. For example, the retail industry has changed due to social commerce and online shopping. Many brick and mortar stores are closing. What does this mean for the people employed at these stores? What's next for them?

Will You Adapt in the Changing Economy?

I predict that many of the smart, savvy displaced people will turn social commerce and go into business for themselves - opening their own micro-enterprise using the very channel that pushed them away from a career they may have loved! You have the ability to change with the world! By the way, if you are interested in building your very own micro-enterprise, contact me and I can tell you how YOU can do this without moving or going back to school!


Unlike Seyit and Sura, my husband and I have been married for almost 28 years. There is no secret to relationship success other than personal responsibility and perseverance.

The same is true for our professional lives; there is so secret to success other than being responsible for your success and persevere when others have quit.

This is How to Let Go of Being Attached to Situations in Life

By Tony Fahkry

"I have no idea of what tomorrow will bring, so I wish to prepare for it."
"You fear tomorrow - not realizing that yesterday is just as dangerous."
The delightful short tale by Anthony de Mello underscores the fact that our attachments to the past can be equally harmful.

We must release our hold of yesterday's concerns and bring our awareness to the present moment, if we desire to seek contentment.

It's a given that most people want to experience happiness and joy. There are many ways to achieve it and while some attain it, others don't. However, it is no less a central desire to seek fulfillment in our everyday life.

We want happiness to fill the cup when pain overflows. Yet the irony is we experience more pain and suffering than joy allows.

We attach our desires to people and situations, holding on tighter than we should. We stress about matters that impose upon our happiness and become discouraged.

Things don't always go as planned. People let us down. The road ahead gets bumpy.

Buddhist author Lama Surya Das writes in The Big Questions: How to Find Your Own Answers to Life's Essential Mysteries: "As Mark Twain said, 'It's not what we don't know that gets us in trouble, but what we are sure we know'. We attach to one or more particular ways of seeing ourselves that, neither accurate nor helpful, entrap us in mind-forged forged manacles, self-limiting beliefs, and unfulfilling, misdirected behavior patterns and desires. We fall into living as we are not and lose who and what we actually are."

The Art of Detachment

Detachment means to disassociate yourself from intended outcomes. It requires letting go of fixed ideas how life should be.

If you commit yourself to getting what you want, you set yourself up for pain.

For example, if you base your day on your partner's mood or getting the next promotion at work, you allow outward conditions to dictate your feelings. You are trying to control your world instead of trusting the process of life.

"Normally we think we see reality, but what we see is our own subjective perceptions, filtered through all of our associations and desires, as well as through language and conditioning," states author Ezra Bayda in The Authentic Life: Zen Wisdom for Living Free from Complacency and Fear.

Let Go of Attachments

This requires practice, though it is possible to let go of attachments that no longer serve you.

You might ruminate on the past and hold on to things that don't matter anymore. What if you were to enjoy the richness of the present moment instead?

Make it a point to let go of anything that's not for your highest good, especially expectations.
Do you often worry about the future?

Do you base your feelings on whether you are moving forward in life?

Either way, make it a priority to let go of attachments by cherishing the depth of each moment. Move beyond your negative thoughts and allow life to be exactly as it is.

Letting go is grounded in the wakefulness of the present moment being perfect as it is. Whilst you expect things to be a certain way, detachment means to let go of these thoughts.

"When we see through our attachments by fully experiencing them, the result is freedom. When we can see and experience life without the filters of our judgments and demands, the result is appreciation and the quiet joy of being. When we see through our fears, the result is love," states Ezra Bayda.

Let Go of Expectations

Expectations set you up for disappointment. Whilst it's normal to receive respect and love from others, sometimes people don't return the respect or love you deserve. Happiness means acknowledging this, so you avoid hanging your hopes on people fulfilling your emotional needs.
If we are attached to life being a particular way, we are assured of being hurt when things do not follow as expected.

The solution, you ask?

Let go.

Consider psychotherapist David Richo's view in The Five Things We Cannot Change: And the Happiness We Find by Embracing Them: "We cannot take refuge in feeling good, because that cannot be sustained. What is sustained and sustaining is a yes to what is, 'taking the good with the bad'. This can only happen when we have no attachment to how things should be."

Let Go of Outcomes

Do you want to work toward your goals and dreams while letting go of outcomes?

Focus on pursuing what is meaningful and give it your undivided attention. People pursue what they consider will make them happy, yet remain miserable now.

To work towards a prosperous future, flow with the currents of life instead of being on a roller coaster ride of ups and downs.

Steady is the way.

Author Jan Frazier offers the following wisdom in The Freedom of Being: At Ease with What Is: "When you are free, you no longer experience attachment - to the roles you play, to possessions, to ideas, to the outcome of action, to the people you love. You are free of ferocious desire, of the driving 'need' to get (and keep) what you want."

Fulfillment Comes From Within

As much as we want to believe that success and happiness happen 'out there' - it simply isn't true.
Happiness and fulfillment emerge from within.

Ask those who are content what their secret is and many will tell you, they learned to simplify life and let go of attachments.

They loosened their grip and allowed life to serve them. They are grateful for the pleasant and unpleasant moments because both experiences contain the seeds of opportunity for growth.

They are unattached to how life should develop and trust every experience serves their highest good.
Think back to a time you released your attachments to something.

Maybe it was resentment or holding on to a particular point of view. As you let go, you no doubt felt relief and moved on.

That is the significance of letting go. You let go to move forward, instead of dragging the past behind with you.

"When you are unattached, you have inner freedom. You have no investment in a particular outcome, and so you do what is necessary in the moment. You explore every option and are receptive to all new information. You do all that you know to do, and then trust, because you have no attachment to either the result or how the result is produced," affirms authors Charlene Belitz and Meg Lundstrom in The Power of Flow: Practical Ways to Transform Your Life with Meaningful Coincidence.

So, release your hold on tomorrow. Do not blemish the present moment with your attachments of how it should be.

If you are anxious about a particular matter, simply let it go. Drop it as though I were handing you a hot piece of coal.

Keep letting go until you get to a place of nothingness and have released all attachments and suffering.

Only then will you know true peace and joy in its entirety.