Having Peace Of Mind In Daily Life And Inner Happiness Uncovered

By James Nussbaumer

Peace of mind and inner happiness is a principle that isn't tangible but definitely one that affects individuals.

It can impact your overall and psychological well-being.

Peace of mind in daily life and inner happiness can best be explained as the quiet light within you giving you a feeling like all is super well and great.

The Course in Miracles states that, "The quiet light in which the Holy Spirit dwells within you is merely perfect oneness, in which nothing is hidden and therefore nothing is fearful."

For the majority of people, inner happiness and peace of mind in daily life doesn't simply occur.
They have a curfew and they have to abide by it, so to speak. If they aren't in the house on time they need to call you before the curfew, the rule is that.

While this does not occur regularly, it does happen and we need to avoid it from occurring. You can, for example, go to bed with the peace of mind that your household is secure and safe as they sleep.

Many of us have too much internal conflict going on most of the time that prevents us from experiencing the truth of inner happiness and how to find peace within yourself.

We know we weren't best about something that occurred and it eats at us so deeply we can't seem to let go of it.

The Course in Miracles teaches that, "The search for truth is the honest searching out of everything that interferes with truth."

Remember as we had discussed in previous articles, we seem to get more of what we fight. But with truth it's always there for us.

Too many of us move about our day at the speed of light.

You have to alter your focus and stop this pattern of habits in order to find inner happiness.

This will help you to begin finding inner peace and help you to tackle the next day with a much better attitude, and, how to achieve peace and inner happiness.

With peace of mind you accept a principle that isn't really concrete however certainly one that impacts people.
Peace of mind in daily life lets you know that everything is safe, secure, and that you are doing just fine, and that you are already all that you can be.

Inner happiness doesn't simply take place, it's already in you, but it often just needs to be uncovered.

To uncovering peace and happiness!

How To Become Effective And Successful While Living A Balanced Life

By James Nussbaumer

Living a balanced life is in understanding that you are essential to the world.

Accepting this responsibility to yourself first, and then to the world, can lead to positive outlook and control over your life.

The Course in Miracles teaches, "A journey without a purpose is meaningless."

When we make use of the power of attraction and its reflection principles-- a reflective state of mind, we grow while being successful.

We are living a balanced life that helps let go of fears and worries that only help bring on troubles in our life.

The power of attraction may impact us in every component of our life.

From within the mind we create the positive notions in our life and reflect it into our exterior world.

The manner in how the mind operates for being successful is through revealing what you really feel, and share your feelings in material form.

The trick to being effective is to make use of these reflection principles and your reflective state of mind, and to recognize exactly what you desire to take place in your life.

You need to keep in mind that we all want power of some sort, and this is exactly what we feed on to become effective in life.

The power of reflection is going to help you get what you want in life.

The Course in Miracles states, "This is the place to which everyone must come when he is ready."

The world needs you to be ready and get what you want in life, because getting what you want is necessary for others to get what they want.

We need to recognize just what our inner power can create.

How you truly believe and feel is most likely to influence just how positive and creative you will be in life.

Think of the things that you are doing and merely what you could change in your life to being an effective leader, perhaps, as well as living a balanced life.

What really is holding you back in life?

You will certainly discover that these points are holding you back in life if you have adverse sensations in your life and do not assume positive and favorable events occurring.

Our mind is an effective device in our life, and the fashion and style in how we perceive and think is going to identify the degree of success that we have in life.

It's a reality you created by how you perceive and think and reflect as a projection of your life in this world.

The most vital point in life is to recognize what your real heart truly wants while in this world, then, visualize it, create it, and begin living it.

To your success!

Here’s Why You Haven’t Achieved Your Goal Yet

By Brian Tracy

Simply put, successful people are goal-setters. Goal-setting applies to every area of our lives. We set goals for our careers, relationships, families, finances, etc. Our ultimate goals, however, set the course for our lives. The ultimate goals define the direction that we go in.

Unfortunately, some people never achieve their ultimate goals in life. They limit their self-confidence and they limit themselves.

Identify Your Limiting Step

One of the most valuable exercises you can engage in when setting long-term goals is to ask yourself, “What is my limiting step?”

What is the one factor that determines the speed at which I achieve my goal? Or can I achieve it at all throughout my personal development?

The ability to identify your limiting step is one of the best demonstrations of your intelligence. It is a huge step towards building self-confidence.

Your capacity to eliminate this limiting step is one of the best demonstrations of your overall competence.  You can achieve anything you want.

Self-Confidence Is The Critical Factor

In studying everything that has been written or said about personal development and success, I’ve come to a conclusion.  Your level of self-confidence is the critical factor in everything you accomplish. When you have enough self-confidence, you will try almost anything.

Because success is largely a matter of averages or probabilities, the more things you try, the more likely it is that you will achieve them.

The same is true for you. By setting goals, trying more things, and exploring more opportunities, your probabilities of success increase dramatically. The only real limiting step to success that you might have is your level of self-confidence.

When you reach the point at which you believe in yourself fully, the barriers that exist in your external world will not stop you.

Build Your Self-Confidence

The major obstacles to success always lie within the mind of the individual.

They are not contained in external circumstances, situations or people. By building self-confidence, you win the inner battle. The outer battle seems to take care of itself.

I have learned three important ideas for building self-confidence. First, accept complete responsibility for everything that you are and ever will be.

Second, accept that you can change your situation only by working on yourself. Learn what it takes to be better. Third, set goals with timelines for the things you want. Then, work every day to bring those goals into reality.

Practice Persistently

Our natural tendency is to work hard until we find a method or technique that works for us. Whether that be in life, work, or relationships. Then, for some perverse reason, we promptly abandon the technique and go back to behaving in our old ways.

Setting goals and thinking positively act as a mental program for our personal development. Just like an exercise program works on our physical development.

If you expect it to work for you, you have to practice it persistently and keep at it indefinitely.

Apply The Success Principles To Your Own Life

When I began to apply these proven success principles to my life, I was able to bring about almost miraculous changes in every area of my life.

Every successful man or woman that I have ever talked to or read about has come to pretty much the same conclusion. By every measure, you have more talent and ability than you could use in 100 lifetimes.

You, too, can step on the accelerator of your own potential and begin moving forward at a speed that will amaze you by setting goals.

What is one goal that you have always wanted to achieve, but been too afraid to go after?

How to Achieve Your Dreams (and Keep Going When It's Hard!)

This is SO important, such great advise from Brendon Burchard. It'll always get hard with whatever you are doing, just keep going, keep learning, keep growing.

How To Fail The Majority Of The Time And Still Get Rich

By T. Harv. Eker

Have you ever heard that old quote, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”?
This was said by ice hockey great Wayne Gretzky, and is a quote I always keep in mind. It’s a simple premise, but one that resonates with me to the core.

I recently stumbled across an email I wanted to share with you, which had a similar idea — although this time it was referencing basketball!

But the truth is, both Gretzky’s quote and what I’m about to tell you can — and absolutely should — be applied to your financial success.

The Email That Could Change Your Life

The premise of the email was this:

The author researched the top 10 starters for the Eastern and Western All-Star basketball teams to find out how much money they made this year — which came to a whopping $224 million. Not bad for 10 players.

But the interesting thing was what he discovered about their average field goal percentage. By the way, if you’re not into basketball, this is the number of shots taken that fall into the basket, versus those that don’t make it in. Basically, how often the player is making the shot.

So now you’ve got these 10 guys making tens of millions of dollars a year each, and you’re probably thinking that their percentages are somewhere near 100%, right? Or surely around 90% or 80% at the very least?

Nope — almost the opposite.

The author found that these 10 All-Star players were an average of 48.8% from the field.
Isn’t that crazy? That means that these 10 superstar athletes aren’t even making shots half the time. Compared to the 100% success rate the average Joe needs to achieve in his desk job, being an NBA ball player sure sounds like a breeze!

The Truth Behind All Epic Success Stories

But of course, it’s not quite this simple. And when you think about it, pretty quickly you can see why.
These high-level athletes — just as any CEO, entrepreneur or successful individual — spend their whole lives training to be the best. Not so they can have a perfect score percentage, but so they have the skills and experience to even get to play on that court.

See, although these athletes make their jobs look easy, it’s anything but. They’ve put in copious amounts of blood, sweat and tears behind the scenes to get to that point.

The years of training and commitment, missing out on parties, staying focused, and constantly honing their skills are why they’re at the level they’re at today — and this drive is priceless.

It’s the amount of time they spent improving themselves before the big game which commands their huge paychecks.

Now, ask yourself: what are you doing to improve yourself outside of your job?
Beyond the basic requirements you need to meet to get your paycheck… how are you going above and beyond?

What Does This Mean For You?

The truth is, success isn’t a one-hit wonder; it’s a slow burn.

Seemingly “overnight successes” are generally people who have been grinding for years before they made it big — even if it seems like it came easy.

So much of the success in the moment comes down to the hours, weeks, months, and years of dedication that have been put in before the first big paycheck.

On top of this, achieving the success you’re capable of relies on a thirst for growth, and the motivation to constantly better yourself.

And the rest is gravy!

As these big shot ball players show you, you don’t have to be perfect to get to where you want to be. In fact, you don’t even need to get half of the shots you take in.

But you do need to take a shot — and be ready for when your moment comes.

Your Next Steps

As I mentioned earlier, the success you’re capable of relies on a thirst for growth, and the motivation to constantly better yourself.

This boils down to two important steps:

1. Don't QUIT!

You WILL reach any dream you strive for as long as you focus on it and don’t quit.

How badly do you want to achieve your dream? A simple wish won’t cut it. You need to have a big enough goal that will motivate you to keep going, even during times when all you feel like doing is give up!

2. You Must Be Constantly Learning And Growing

The best kind of learning comes from real life experience. I hope you agree.

And when it comes to success, it’s no different: Experience is the best teacher.

The problem for most people is that their experience is full of struggle, frustration, dealing with one step forward and two steps back, and so on.

So you can either learn from your own experience and pray you’ll figure it out….

OR you can learn from someone who has been where you’re at and has found a formula to make millions and millions and millions of dollars.

Increase Your Chances For Personal Success

Success, as most other things in the world, is a subjective thing. Two people may be in the exact same situation, say financially, but one of them may deem themselves successful while the other one may think of themselves as a financial failure. In fact, you may not consider someone to be financially successful and yet that person may think they are super successful. Likewise if someone does seem to you financially successful, it doesn't mean that this person has the same experience of themselves. And as we all know, how you feel about your life is what matters, not how other people think you should feel.

So now the question is: What do people who think of themselves as successful have that sets them apart from the ones that see themselves as a failure? Is it self-esteem? Is it confidence? Or could it be perhaps optimism? Are they sometimes delusional? Or do they simply have low expectations of themselves?

In my view, the perception of personal success is neither an expression of stupidity nor of some kind of limitless self-belief. Rather, personal success is a product of self-love.

Practicing deep self-love works on several fronts to guarantee your personal success. Firstly, it transforms your experience of who you actually are. And who you are is a divine being, perfection in all sorts of imperfect forms and shapes. As a result, your confidence and self-esteem go up, you become more optimistic and you start celebrating not only the big achievements but life in general. You see yourself as a success. Secondly, practicing self-love sends out a constant message to the universe: "I am worth it, please award me". And the Universe responds accordingly. You start attracting experiences and manifest achievements that reflect your worthiness.

Now, is the road to self-love a difficult one? It is, if you say so. But it doesn't have to be. Start small by saying "I love myself". No matter how fake it sounds, be consistent with it and the message will eventually get through to your core. If you want to take the short-cut, choose a therapy that works directly on the subconscious. And get this: experiencing self-love is not only going to help you feel successful; it will also help you experience true love for another human being. You can't love someone else if you don't love yourself first. Likewise, you can't be loved by other people until you can love yourself. So don't think that self-love is a selfish thing. Quite the contrary - learning to love yourself is actually the most altruistic act you could perform. If we all cultivate self-love, we will all be capable of loving others and feeling successful in life at the same time.

What Your Next Step Should Be To Achieve Your Dreams

By T. Harv Eker

A lot of my students come to me with their big dreams. They come with an idea fully formed, eager to get started, but unsure of where to begin. That’s the problem with a dream so big: what’s the next step when you can already picture the end product? Today, I’m going to teach you how to hold onto those dreams — while still creating a manageable next step.

How to Decide Your Next Step to Achieve Your Dreams

A lot of us will come up with a big challenging action and get excited. We say, “I’m going to write a book” or “I’m going to start my own business.” It’s a big thing, and that’s what excites us.

What happens, though, is that we often tend to lose interest even though we were so sure this was gonna be it! Why?

One word: fear. We lose interest because it’s too big. We lose interest because our mind-frick says, “You can’t do this. It’s easier to just live the way you’ve been living already.” We go back into our old ways, settling for less than what we really actually want to be doing.

Create Doable Actions

Instead of taking on a big challenge, a far easier and much more effective way to get exactly what you want in your life is to create bite-sized, doable actions.

I’m not saying to take smaller actions. I’m saying: think of the first three things that you’re willing to do that will move you towards your big vision. That way, instead of a grandiose goal, you’ve now created a next step.

One of the reasons that we lose interest in big challenges is because our programmed brain is trying to save us from fear of failure. It’s easier for the mind to lose interest than to say, “I’m a failure. I can’t do this.” It’s a safety valve. We don’t want to make ourselves look bad…even to ourselves!
It’s like taking a pill to alleviate pain. Instead of saying, “I can’t do this, and I’m a failure,” we say, “It’s not that important to me. I’m not that interested in that anymore.” This is what we do.

To combat this, don’t create huge actions for yourself. You can create a huge vision, but how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

Just ask yourself, “What’s my next step?”

Forget the Goal, Focus on the Process

Don’t get into the big-thing idea, because, if you do, you’re going to end up losing interest as a failsafe in order to not feel bad about yourself. Instead, keep it simple.

People have asked me, “Harv, when are you going to write another book?” I don’t know. I write for a couple of hours, or one hour. Sometimes I say I’m just going to sit down and write, sometimes I just don’t worry about it.

I bring that up to say that if you want to write a book, for example, just start that way. It’s a lot easier, and you’re happier that way.

Of course, what’s going to happen is that you’re going to have a conditioned mind that’s going to say, “That’s not good enough. You didn’t do enough. You didn’t accomplish enough.” You just tell it thanks for sharing and keep doing what you’re doing.

Give yourself some momentum. A body at rest will tend to remain at rest and a body in motion will tend to stay in motion. Get yourself into a tiny bit of motion.

How It Works for Me

I practice this own process myself when I am writing. Sometimes I’m doing a bunch of other things. Let’s say I’m watching the hockey game or a movie, and I don’t really feel like continuing to write.
Know what I do? My mind says, “Just relax. You don’t have to write tonight.” However, I urge myself to just check one of the concepts that I wrote on a post-it note and see where that goes in my outline. I tell myself that it will be pretty quick, and then I can stop.

I pick up the next post-it note and think, “Where does this one go? Oh, wow! That’s cool! This is actually starting to come together and make sense!” Then I start writing maybe for five minutes. Sometimes it turns into much more.

Guess what I’m doing? I’m writing.

I don’t need to prod myself, because I know I just need to do one thing. I just need to go back to the keyboard, relaxed and easy, pick up one post-it note, and enter it. That’s all.

One tiny little step creates momentum.

A Plan for Every Area of Your Life | Jack Canfield

We all need a plan, but do we all have the right template the bring that plan to life?
Big dreams, big people, big results!

Just One Tip to Improve Your Quality of Sleep

By Preety Gurditta

You may be expecting to read a few health tips in this article to alter your diet that may enhance your quality of sleep. Relax, none of that is going to happen in the next twelve minutes of your life. By the time you are done going through this piece of writing, you may want to implement just one change in your daily routine to have a better life.

Sleep is something that comes naturally to us, but we like to deprive ourselves of it for countless reasons. Can you recall when you were a teenager, you would never mind sacrificing a siesta if you felt something was more important than just sleeping? All the same, it was never just Sleep. Many of us would never realize the importance of taking a nap at least until the age of 25. As soon as we come close to our thirties, we begin appreciating the need to be dead to the world for minimum six to eight hours daily. And we do not want to compromise on that, no matter how much fun a party is.

Is it imperative to sleep?

Can you answer this question in No? Of course, you cannot. Insomnia- the word was coined not without any reason. People do understand what havoc their body may undergo if they are not able to slumber for any reason even for a night. For an extreme example of an insomniac person, you can watch the movie, The Machinist. The simple, yet profound movie will give you a picture perfect idea of what all can happen to your mind and body if you do not sleep for a long time.

Not sleeping at all is, of course, a severe situation. Still, many of us do not even notice that we are not able to sleep properly throughout our lives. You may have noticed that one person in your office who feels dizzy all the time. Or that one guy in your class who yawns every time you see him. That obese girl in your school, who you make fun of, may be overweight just because she does not sleep well. Among dozens of side-effects of tossing and turning through the night, the most important one is that you forget your sense of being and start feeling downbeat about life.

It is strange, but common that we accept the substandard quality of sleep just for the sake of it. Even when we know that we need to have a deep sleep every night, we come to terms with all the disturbances in our body just because we feel there is no solution to it. Don't worry. The solution is right there with you, and you do not need to visit a dietician or physician for it.

What is the way out of sleeplessness?

Have you heard of a thing called Smartphone? Yes, it is right there; maybe in your hand right now. The laptops, Smartphones, Kindle, Tablets, and TV- all these electronic gadgets have made your life easier without a doubt. You may feel much more informed than ever just because you can afford the luxury of a Smartphone and the Internet. Maybe you do realize that you should spend a little less time on your mobile phone than you do at present. Still, it may be hard for you to ditch it.

No one is asking you to get rid of your mobile phone forever. You do need it in your life for better reasons than anyone can judge. However, a Smartphone is something that has improved as well as worsened our life at the same time. We cannot think of our life without this small gadget in our hand at all times. Still, you need to identify with the fact that it does interfere with your sleep.

What is the reason to keep your mobile away?

While sleeping, all of us have a habit of checking the messages that may have arrived on WhatsApp. We feel the obligation to reply to those messages. After all, it is our duty to respond to our loved ones, right? Yes, indeed. Then, after we are done with WhatsApp, we open Facebook; then is the turn of Instagram, and maybe Snapchat at last. So this is the never-ending cycle that repeats roughly every night. Perhaps, you might not indulge in this habit when you are exhausted. Still, you do keep your mobile by your side when you doze off, right? Keeping your phone away while you sleep is the only thing this entire ordeal is about.

In addition to making mistakes in our diet and routine, we just make one simple blooper of placing our cell phone at the bedside or even under the pillow while sleeping. Life already is tough these days. The last thing we would want to think about in our sleep is the worries that we face during the day. When you are about to sleep, you visit the entire world in just an hour or two over the social media. However, you must have noticed that when you are sleeping with your mobile at your arm's length, your hand automatically starts searching for it as soon as your sleep is interrupted.

You may feel thirsty at night, for instance, but instead of reaching for water at first, you would like to look for a message from your beloved that may flash on your screen. But how would you feel if that one message is something you didn't want to see? It may become a cause of anxiety for you for the rest of the night. You may not be able to do something about such things at 3 am, but you will lose your sleep over it. Similarly, you may want to go to the washroom late at night. You reach for your phone to see the time, but you do not realize that the light of the screen is harmful to your eyes. If you have sensitive eyes, you should not look at your phone during your sleep at all.

How to sleep without your mobile?

You may think what kind of ridiculous idea is that? How would you wake up in the morning without your alarm clock in the phone? The answer is Alarm Clock! That cute little piece of a clock on your table that you dumped away years ago is the only thing that you need on your table rather than your mobile phone for the entire night. Those little notification alerts keep you disturbed all night. Even if you keep your phone on the Silent mode, the curiosity to check your phone at every possible minute will not go away.

It may seem difficult to sleep without your phone at first, but it is an achievable feat. You would feel uncomfortable for a couple of days and miss your phone. In spite of this, after a week or so, you would definitely feel the difference in your quality of sleep. You will start having a deep sleep and wake up fresher than earlier.

The idea is to keep your phone in your cupboard or such a place where you cannot reach it with ease. When you are in a deep sleep, making efforts to reach for your phone is the last thing you would want to do. When it becomes difficult for you to pick up the cell phone, you would just come to your bed and enjoy your sleep. Yes, taking forty winks becomes much more enjoyable when you do not have any interruptions around you. Do not rely on any mobile applications that claim to evaluate your quality of sleep. For such applications to work, you have to keep your phone very close to you, which is not a good idea at all. Just notice the way your body feels when you wake up in the morning. Your own body is the biggest evaluator of everything that affects it, positively or negatively.

Isn't it worth your health to give it a try? Try keeping your mobile phone away from you tonight and notice how you feel the next morning. If you feel good, you can add value to your living just with one simple idea. Little things like these do make life more pleasant. Take a crack at them.