Learn to Reward Yourself for Success With These 3 Steps

By T. Harv Eker

Have you ever felt guilty about accepting a reward? I’m not talking about getting a hand out here, but actually being comfortable and feeling good about finding a way to reward yourself for your hard work. Ready on to learn how to fully celebrate your successes and remove all guilt in your life!

Celebrate Success by Learning to Reward Yourself

If you’ve ever felt like you “can’t” or “won’t” reward yourself for your hard work, I’m going to give you three simple steps to follow to remove all guilt… so you can celebrate each of your successes and feel great about rewarding yourself.

1. The golden rule of rewarding yourself

When it comes to finding ways to reward yourself, follow this golden rule: do what works for you.
That’s it!

For most people, they don’t have a ‘play jar’ to spoil themselves. They don’t take time for themselves. They don’t focus on loving themselves.

They don’t focus on that feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment for more than three seconds before it becomes doubt, judgment and “What’s the next thing?”

The reason I incorporate rewards so heavily into my “Ultimate Life Makeover System” web class is because number 1, many times it’s tangible. When you buy that dress you’ve wanted or that jacket you’ve wanted and you see it in your closet all of the time, you’ll say, “Wow, it’s worth doing the things I committed to doing!”

And number 2, rewarding yourself for your accomplishments gives you the motivation, drive, and self-confidence to keep moving towards your goals with momentum.

Many people won’t give themselves a little reward here and there, which is why it’s so important to take the time to do this consciously.

Here’s the simplest way I teach to do this: Set an action and a deadline for that action to be completed,, set a reward, and when you complete that action, take your reward! Then… repeat this over and over and over again.

So, what works or WILL work for you when it comes to patting yourself on the back for a job well done?

2. Redefine rewards

If you believe that you should only get a reward for doing something difficult, then you need to rethink this belief immediately.

The bottom line is if you associate rewards with something difficult, you created that belief.
In other words, you were taught that if you do something unpleasant or difficult, you deserve and should get a reward.

But then what if you don’t do something difficult? Well, you don’t get one… right?

This is faulty thinking, and something that holds a lot of people back. You can and should get rewarded for accomplishing things you actually enjoy doing, too.

For example, if you ENJOY your work, and you are successful with it, guess what? You should be REWARDED for that!

You shouldn’t have to do work that you hate, and that is unpleasant and difficult simply to make money because you’ve linked rewards with unpleasantness.

If this is something you believe, then very unconsciously you have linked getting rewards from unpleasantness—and this singular belief is holding you back from enjoying your work, your life, and blocking you from experiencing true happiness.

3. Move beyond “either/or”

If you associate rewards with pain and suffering, then you’re living in an either/or world.

Remember what I said in my book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: most people live in an either/or world. Either it’s money or happiness, money or spirituality, money or health, money orfree time, money or this, money or that.

It’s either/or.

How about we do what we love? How about we enjoy what we do? How about we do very pleasant and wonderful things and we get a reward as well?

Imagine this is your new rule: I can do what I love and get rewarded.

I can do what I enjoy and get rewarded in all kinds of ways, not just satisfaction and accomplishment (because the mind doesn’t hold onto these for longer than 3 seconds).

Instead, write down what you want in your life including all the “luxuries” you’ve ever dreamed of. They could be material. They could be any kinds of things, but you’ve got to allow yourself to enjoy them.

I’ll tell you why many people don’t do this: it’s because the conditioned, fear-based mind doesn’t want that. Because if you’re really nice to you and really good to you, then what is your mind supposed to do?

Its job is to look for the problems; to mainly look for what’s wrong. You must consciously step in and stop this in its tracks!

By unlinking rewards from unpleasantness, and instead believing that you deserve to be rewarded for ALL the great things you accomplish, you’ll begin operating on a higher energy plane – and living a more abundant, happy, fulfilled life in the process.

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