Keep This In Mind When Starting Something New

If it's not hard at first it's not real change.

The discomfort of transformation is much less painful than stagnation.
Where you are now is just where you are now - it’s not a prediction for the future. Life has something in store for you, let your bigness see the light of day.
Be an expert at being you!
These are just four of the many notes and quotes I got from one of the amazing coaches I have worked with. She and her husband had been to the Titan Summit in Zurich which was four days of talks from some of the best thought leaders and inspirational entrepreneurs the world has to offer.
While I was scanning through the notes I took from her takeaways, these four really stood out to me. As someone who has struggled with the frustrations and anxieties of a quarter life crisis - feeling the strong desire to do something extraordinary with my life but getting stuck on fear and self-doubt, giving myself loads of reasons why I couldn’t do anything more than what I was already doing even if it was making me miserable - to now, having come through the other side and taking action towards the life that I want, the life that truly aligns with who I am and what I have to offer. These notes represent perfectly some of the huge lessons I’ve been learning.

If it’s not hard at first it’s not real change.
 I am currently in the middle of the book The Alchemist, one of the parts I read last night said, “Imagine if everyone went around transforming lead into gold. Gold would lose it’s value. It’s only those who are persistent, and willing to study things deeply, who achieve the Master Work.”This kinda says it all really, it’s the reason why not everyone in the world is wealthy and successful, it’s why not everyone is truly happy doing something with their lives that they love. It’s hard work and there’s a lot of persistence and self-belief that needs to be put into practice to get there. Not everyone is willing or courageous enough to do it.
The discomfort of transformation is much less painful than stagnation. This was the driving force for me in changing my path and becoming an entrepreneur, going against the norm and stepping into the unknown is uncomfortable but It’s so much better than the unhappiness and the anxiety I felt before. One of the scariest concepts to me is the thought of getting old and wishing I’d lived more true to myself. 

Where you are now is just where you are now - it’s not a prediction for the future. Life has something in store for you, let you bigness see the light of day.
 I love to think about this every time I see all the amazing people doing incredible things and living the life of their dreams and then I look around at my living room/home office where I’m sat in my Pyjama’s working away on my laptop thinking, “How am I ever going to get to where they are?” I know I am going to get where they are because I know why I’m here and I am going to keep going.

Be an expert at being you!
 This has been huge for me recently. As much mindset work as I’ve done I have realised that what holds me back the most is that I’m a recovering people pleaser. When you have coping strategies like being a people pleaser to avoid confrontation or to feel accepted, you aren’t fully being yourself. I have been doing a lot of meditation and journalling on this lately and I am definitely getting better at catching myself when I start repeating those old habits. I have really looked at who I am and why I do what I do and getting comfortable with that means I feel a lot less worried about whether or not other people like me or get me. I am becoming an expert at being me and it’s fricken awesome!

I wanted to share these insights with you and encourage you to think about how they apply to your life. Is there something you're putting off doing because it seems like it'll be too hard? Are you feeling stagnant right now and if so what is that telling you about the path you are on? Are you too caught up in 'reality' thinking that because of your current circumstances there's a limit to what you can achieve? And are you an expert at being you? Are you living in a way that is truly authentic to you or do you judge yourself, do you worry that other people are judging you and do you avoid confrontations or feel like you have to justify yourself a lot? If so it might be time to start getting to know you better and start loving it!

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